Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Social Order

All through history, people with money, land and homes rule over those who have less money, tiny plots of land or small homes. If the wisest man of all times lived on the street who would listen to him. But if a fool has money, land or a large home, his opinion counts. 

Sometimes we see this very thing in Hollywood.   

Money equals power, influence and more money.

In Regency England, they divided their social order according to wealth.

Royalty – George III and Queen Charlotte / Prince Regent George IV and Queen Caroline  

Aristocrats – These are the Lords and Ladies that were very wealthy and their families. (titled or untitled) Very wealthy personages and those descending of old families that were peers of the realm.

Gentry – These are very old families that usually have large estates. People that made their money in trade can buy a very old home and will be included into this category only if they have very nice manners and never engage or talk about trade.

Tradesmen – They work and therefore must be avoided at all costs. Except if you need their services. Do not strike up a conversation with them. They are not your equals.

Laborers – All the people that work. Servants, groomsmen, cooks, butlers, etc. Only give them orders.

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