Monday, March 31, 2014

Writing and a Wrapper

Below is another wrapper, I think I like the green one better, but pink always feels comforting to wear.

Something that I am learning is that a story has to have structure. A lot of writers use the large W format.

The first event is at the top of the first line of the W. Then matters seem to go downhill. The next big event happens that changes the trajectory of the story and you are on the first upswing of the letter.


I feel like I'm getting somewhere. That the main characters are set 

with personalities and backgrounds. Now I just have to keep up 

those same personalities throughout the story. Sometimes even 

giving them a specific habit or way of speaking so the reader always 

knows who they are.


Friday, March 21, 2014

How much would a Regency England gown cost today?

When I describe my heroine’s gown, I give little thought to what it would have cost. So yesterday, for fun and to take a break from writing, I began researching prices in the early 1800’s.

Just a simple gown of silk - a day dress like this one would cost around 1 pound 6 shillings for the material, which would equate today to be about $90.00. Add in the ribbons and the other essentials to make the dress, thread, interfacing, the pattern etc as well as the fee for the seamstress.

In my estimation in today's currency including silk stockings, at 20 shillings which is 1 pound $98.00, shoes at 11 shillings $36.00 and cotton undergarments at 6-10 shillings or $33.00. The total for just a gown to be worn in the morning would be $257.   

Friday, March 14, 2014

Trying my hand at drawing Regency Fashions

 Here are a few more gowns. If you are wondering why the caliber of drawing and painting are substantially poorer, it is because I tried my hand at trying to duplicate what my daughter does effortlessly. It took me three days to complete these two gowns. Whereas, I've watched Jordan complete multiple gowns in as little as an hour.

And yes, I am still writing. Working every day. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Same gown, one day

Here’s a before and after gown. The one on the left would have been worn with a matching spencer. It would have been perfect for a spring or summer drive through Hyde Park. 

The before part is as she is going for a drive. The after is when nefarious character’s chase her through the stews (The bad part of town). 

Clothes were looked after by lady’s maids and kept as clean as possible. They also kept them in good repair. The second gown would have been torn apart and all of the material would have been used for other applications. The lace would have been removed, cleaned and put into a sewing basket. Perhaps it would have found new life on another gown, on a handkerchief or a collar.  

Working on Chapter 3, now, I seem to be making headway. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Green Wrapper

On the left is a wrapper, which is the term for a thin robe worn for modesty. They usually covered up a nightgown. I asked my daughter to make something elegant to wear over a plain cotton nightgown.

Still plugging away at writing. If it weren't for my editor pushing me to turn in a chapter each week, I don't know what I would do. I can spend literally hours on three pages of print. Changing a word here, re-doing a section there. I don't know if I'm making it better or worse.

What I really like is to turn in a Chapter and then get it back with lines cut and prompts asking me if this or that is what I meant. Then I can really dig in and see if that is what I wanted or at times what I really didn't want.