Saturday, December 27, 2014

Getting ready for London trip and writing

Had a wonderful Christmas. Christmas Eve was celebrated at my brother and sister-in-law's home. Then Christmas Day at my husband's brother's home. That night we celebrated Christmas at our home with our daughters, one son-in-law, and two sons. So very nice and there was even snow falling that evening.

My daughter, Bailey gave me The Jane Austen Handbook. It has been so fun to read.

So onto writing. Since I've finished my first book and sent it into a contest, my mind has been wandering onto re-writing my next book. My trip with my sister to London is in two weeks and I am excited to see all the historical places that I've been writing about. I feel that once I am there, I will be able to get the feel of the place and put my characters right into the places we visit. 

Beautiful day gown that my daughter, Jordan made for me.

Friday, December 19, 2014

A gown and a story

Merry Christmas!  I'm back from a break. I wrenched my elbow last week and then couldn't sleep from the pain. After a few hours in the Emergency Room was told I had a fractured elbow. I was put in a splint and given pain medicine. The medicine didn't touch the pain so I was back in the Emergency Room that night hoping for some relief. More pain pills again but it also had no effect. Took some Advil and that seemed to help more than anything else.

My whole family pitched in and did all the things that I usually do. Now after a week, I can move my arm again. No lifting just yet. But mobility. Yeah!!  A Christmas Miracle!!!

I have not written or thought about writing this whole week.

So anyone that comes across my ramblings  Merry Christmas and to a Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


After a rush of revising and changing the final scenes to be realistic, I sent my book off to the contest. It seems in my haste to get the book in the right format, in the right category and before the deadline, I inadvertently signed up to be a judge. I am not sure what I will be asked to do, but it looks like I have a lot of reading ahead of me.

I thought this gown would be wonderful for a dinner with friends. I love the leaf pattern on the hem, sleeves, high waist and neckline. Plus who doesn't love pleats. They are wonderful to look at and elegant to wear.