Monday, January 26, 2015

Westminster Abbey

Began the first chapter of my second novel. It is set in London, of course, and on the same streets I walked recently. 
Below is our open air tour bus seats against the view of Big Ben, Westminster Abbey. 

In 960 Benedictine monks settled there at Thorney Island (Westminster) Oldest door in the Abbey's monastery.

1065 - Edward the Confessor's Abbey is finished being built and then dedicated to God.

1066- Christmas Day, William the Conqueror' Coronation  

1245- Henry III begins building church we see today remodeled in the Gothic style of architecture. Consecrated in 1269.

1301 -  Coronation chair made and all monarchs have used it since.

1503 - Henry VII begins construction on the Ldy Chapel. Consecrated in 1516

1540 - Henry VIII dissolves the monastery

1560 -  Elizabeth makes the Abbey a collegiate church

1745 - West towers completed

1920 - Unknown soldier buried in the nave 

Behind the high altar Henry III moved the body of Edward the Confessor into a magnificent crypt. Henry III is also buried there. In the Abbey over 3,000 people are buried within its wall.

Being in the Abbey was a bit overwhelming. The oppulence is breathtaking and almost too much at times. This walkway is cold and the courtyard garden are on the other side. The open columns would be wonderful in the summertime. But in the winter was freezing. 

Interesting that caretakers still live on these grounds. So part of the Abbey's rooms are cut-off from public view.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Writing and two London Churches

Although the plan of writing with an outline and a format sounds wonderful. I have not been able to do it. I have tried and tried to come up with 25 ideas and then place them on the large W and follow the blueprint and know the direction of how the story will unfold.

I can't do it.  So I am going to go back to what I know and what I love doing. I just start at the beginning with one idea. Then as I write the idea becomes something different than what I started with.

It makes for a lot of revisions but it's the only way to get started. Which makes sense for me since I never want to know beforehand where I'm going or what I will be doing.

      On the right is St. George's Church at the crossroads of Bond Street and Brookes Street. My sister and I went inside, sat in the pews and lit a candle.

On the left is the view from St. Paul's Cathedral. 550 steps up to this balcony.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Back from London

Back from London. Didn't write even one word. It was not what I expected and in another way it exceeded my expectations.   The picture below is the view from our hotel window.

 Instead of Yield they use this sign. Isn't that great?

We had to get adapters for our electrical plugs.
Trying to switch back to our time, I have been thinking alot about the places I traveled in London. Having written about London, it seems now I can really write about London. I have always thought that the people of England and the people of the United States are very close due to our shared history and language.  But I no longer think that. Londoners have a unique culture and because of that their outlook is different than ours in America.

Now to start on the outline and the chapter headings for my new book. I have given myself two weeks to get this done.

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Day before I leave for London

My backpack is crammed full of everything I'll need for London, I think.
I've ordered foreign currency which looks like play money but was paid for with real money.

My passport is in my bag. My bank and credit card company have been put on notice.

I'm already missing my family. So I guess I'm ready to go.

My great uncle is doing much better and I am so glad. But my older son has the upper respiratory virus going around. The ice on my daughter's car windshield was that hard to get off kind and it looks like the high will be 30 degrees today.  

I am so ready to write. I can feel my next story brewing in my every thought. I will start it on the plane trip. I believe it is 10 hours and will write everyday that I'm in London. Those are my plans. But the best laid plans often disinegrate when reality cuts in. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Trip to London in Eight Days

The New Year has come and with it snow. But the sun came out, and it was 25 degrees. Almost didn't need a coat. My great Uncle is in the hospital - went to visit him yesterday and today. The flu, pnemonia and he had fallen on the ice. In his early 90's and still so connected to what is going on and what everyone in the family is doing. He is amazing.

Leaving for London next Saturday. I can't believe we are really going to go. I will miss my husband and kids but to walk in the places that the characters of every book I've ever loved walked will be thrilling. Plus we are going to Paris for the day using the Chunnel (The Channel Tunnel)

My book now rests in the hands of the judges. Will all the work I put into it pay off.  I don't know, I'm already thinking of my second book. Instead of rewriting it by going through chaper after chapter, I am going to brainstorm the 25 ideas (25 chapters). Then I will place each of those ideas on the large W. Then begins the outline for each of the 25 ideas. Then comes working on each scene.

I am ready to begin. . . . . I think. With the book below by Margaret C Sullivan, any questions I have can be found quickly and usually are very amusing.