Friday, January 2, 2015

Trip to London in Eight Days

The New Year has come and with it snow. But the sun came out, and it was 25 degrees. Almost didn't need a coat. My great Uncle is in the hospital - went to visit him yesterday and today. The flu, pnemonia and he had fallen on the ice. In his early 90's and still so connected to what is going on and what everyone in the family is doing. He is amazing.

Leaving for London next Saturday. I can't believe we are really going to go. I will miss my husband and kids but to walk in the places that the characters of every book I've ever loved walked will be thrilling. Plus we are going to Paris for the day using the Chunnel (The Channel Tunnel)

My book now rests in the hands of the judges. Will all the work I put into it pay off.  I don't know, I'm already thinking of my second book. Instead of rewriting it by going through chaper after chapter, I am going to brainstorm the 25 ideas (25 chapters). Then I will place each of those ideas on the large W. Then begins the outline for each of the 25 ideas. Then comes working on each scene.

I am ready to begin. . . . . I think. With the book below by Margaret C Sullivan, any questions I have can be found quickly and usually are very amusing.


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