Sunday, April 26, 2015

Writing, Death, and the Globe Theater

It is raining outside and I heard thunder not so long ago. I sit here at my computer contemplating life. I've heard it said that death is a part of life. And it is true, in the last four months nine people that I or my family have known have left this world. The most tragic is my sister's nephew in his 20's that passed away today in the early morning hours in a car accident.

Maybe that is why reading and writing are so wonderful. You can watch life and death and feel the emotions of the story but it doesn't actually touch your life. Perhaps we are to look for beauty and wonders of this world at all times in order to keep the shadows and the sadness at bay.

Above and to the side are Shakespeare's Globe Theater. The first burned down as did the second. This one was built using a corner wall and descriptions from that time. Interestingly the stage does not have a curtain. So when the play was over all the actors would dance a jig, letting the audience know the play was at an end. The plays used the sun as lighting so all performances were during the day. You can see the grass growing on the roof above the balcony seats. The boxes behind the stage were for the nobles. Although they could not see the play, they could be seen. On the day we went to the Globe Theater, we also toured Churchill's War Rooms. It was wonderful. We could have spent more time there as there was so much to see.  The actual rooms are still the way they were then and all the other displays were interactive. A truly wonderful place to relive such a historical time in England and the world.

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