Friday, December 27, 2013

Writing, Regency England and a Gown

Every time I finish writing a book, I ask everyone in my family to read it. I have asked all five of my sisters and my sister-in-law as well as my mom to read my book. My two daughters have suffered through at least one. My husband and my dad have even read one.

Each gave me their opinions along with misspelled words and grammar problems. I re-worked the book each time. But still my book didn’t have what I knew it needed.

And then I happened upon an editor. I was so excited for her to read my book. 

"It has everything anyone has ever wanted in a book," I said confident in my work. 

 "Look, I can help you, but it will take hard work if you want to take it to the next level," she said not even bothering to open to the first chapter which I must admit is superior to all other first paragraphs of other books. 

I thought to myself - how much harder could it be? With enthusiasm, I replied, "Of course."

Because deep down inside, I knew I had created a gem, a one of a kind diamond like creation. It would only take one reading of the book for this editor to realize it, too. . . . 

Here is a simple gown with embroidery around the neckline, sleeves and hem. One of my absolute favorites.

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel you will be devoured by the soword.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Isaiah 1:19-20

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