Sunday, April 12, 2015

Thames, Shard and London's landscape

Going through my email, I found more pictures from my sister's and my trip to London. I had forgotten that my camera's battery had died half-way through one day and when we went to the hotel that evening she e-mailed me the pictures she took.


It was so wonderful to see even more shots of the places we had been. I had wondered why I had only one picture of the Thames. And that one was blurry with rain falling on the bus's window.

 All of these are taken from the Tower Bridge. Above you can see the construction that is going on in London. St. Paul's Cathedral stands majestically in the midst of it all seemingly unconcerned. For centuries she's watched the city. What's change to her?

The Shard is below.

Writing, writing, writing. Every waking moment I am in the midst of writing. If I don't have pen and paper or if the computer is not near, I am working out a scene. It seems so easy to plot it in my mind. But then when I transfer it to paper, it seems to change. I think it is because with my mind, I see the setting, all the colors are vibrant. I can feel the moods and the stuggles of the characters. But on paper they are just words without soul or purpose. I'm getting there. Little by little I will get there.


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