Sunday, April 19, 2015

Writing and Denver

This week, I decided to mix up my writing a bit. I have mentioned before that I've written five books. Four are in the Regency period and one is a modern mystery set here in Denver and in Burlington about three hours away. I know I should concentrate on just one at a time. But I'm working on four simultaneously. Yesterday I spent four hours writing and it was so much fun. Each story is so different that I kept hopping from one to the other.

For my son's birthday last week, we went downtown. I took pictures like a tourist. 

Above-- The Denver Capitol is on the left and the view from the capitol steps are on the right.

I'm on the left and the ampitheater of Civic Center Park is down below. With the Art museum right behind it.

My son-in-law ran down to the stage and yelled. "It's Sunday, April 12th." We cheered. A homeless man said, "Good show, I wasn't sure what today was. It's Sunday.Good to know." and he also clapped.  


  1. Your son in law sounds like a crazy person. Cool pictures of denver!

