Monday, March 16, 2015

St Paul's Cathedral

I find out in 2 weeks if the book I entered in the contest has made it to the semi-finals. In one way, I can't wait to hear. But in another way, I don't want to know.  I don't want to find out that all the hard work that I have put into this book is still not enough.

The pictures below are more of St. Paul's Cathedral. There has been a church on this spot since 504 and it has always been called St. Paul's. After the fire, it was once again rebuilt in 1666. Although we couldn't take pictures inside the church, the first three are outside and show the intricate craftsmenship of the building. 

To the side and below are views from the walkway at the top of the Cathedral. 250 steps from the Whispering Gallery and 200 to the outside. 550 in total. You can see the building called the "Shard", the "Gherkin" & the "Razor".  As well as a view of the Thames and the London Eye in the mist.

 Raining and windy as we looked out over the city. Below is the staircase leading to the crypt. Again, pictures were not allowed. The crypt memorialized Nelson and Wellington along with so many others. We viewed wooden sculptures that had been petrified in the great fire that laid on top of crypts. 

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