Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Views of London

The sun is shining, and as I scan the skies and see only white clouds I am refreshed. But it will take some time for me to warm up. A month of greyness and rain has taken its toll. However, it has caused the backyard lawn and my flowers to flourish. The snow and hail left marks, but the sunshine is repairing it all. Little leaves are beginning to form on my geraniums and I feel the same way. Little by little I am coming alive. Although it was not a harsh winter by any means, the greyness lasted longer than I can remember .


This view is from our hotel room. And the next one is the side view from outside the Cavendish Hotel. I wish I would have taken a picture of the front of the Cavendish. But going through my pictures found I must not have taken any of it.

Along the streets of London, one minute we were walking and enjoying the scenery and in the next we had  become ensconsed in a protest. Fighting our way to become free of the route the protest was taking, we emerged to take this picture of the tail end of the procession.  The last picture is another wonderful example of great architecture from days gone by.   

My editor/sister believes my regency novel is ready to send out to publishers. And so this week also brings optimism that perhaps all the work we have done on this book may have brought it to a level that others might enjoy reading. To enter the world we've created and for a few minutes in time be transported back to a time of romance, intrigue and murder. 

She assures me it is a long process, but I'm ever hopeful. 


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